2:43 Activity Feed A quick runthrough of the Activity Feed, explaining what it is and how it functions.
5:53 Calendar & Case Calendar Tab A tour of the new and improved Neos Staff Calendar and Case Calendar to ensure you always know...
8:57 Case Tab A tour of the Case Tab and explanation of how to properly enter Case Information including Class,...
10:01 Checklist Tab A tour of the Checklist Tab and explanation of how this critical Neos function help you stay on top...
2:30 Create Button The new Create Button replaces the old Add button, allowing you to easily create Cases, Contacts,...
12:13 Documents Tab – Part 1 Adding Documents to a Case, Generating Documents, Opening Documents, Word Online & Desktop, and...
12:04 Documents Tab – Part 2 Emailing Documents, Docusign, Prepping Demand/Discovery, & Tagging Email Attachments to a Case.
2:52 Emailing from Neos You can send emails directly from Neos, making finding email addresses and attaching case files a...
6:32 Entering a New Intake The new Needles Neos Intake functionality allows for fast efficient data entry into fully...
13:10 Introduction to Neos for New Users This tutorial reviews commonly used areas and terminology that will help new staff thrive in Neos.
8:02 Neos Today Screen A tour of the Neos Today screen, and how to interact with the Appointments and My Checklist.
6:16 Notes Tab A tour of the Notes Tab, including entering a new Note, customizing text, posting picture/docs,...
8:47 Party Tab A tour of the Party Tab and explanation of how to properly create new Parties for a case.
3:47 Support Portal A tour of the Neos Support Portal, including Knowledge base, Tutorials, Webinars, and submitting...