2:03 Address Book The new Address Book allows you to review and access all your Neos contacts in one place.
8:06 Automatic Timer The new Automatic Timer in Needles Neos makes it easier than ever to track your billable hours and...
4:03 Browse Documents How to use Browse Documents to create a list of documents matching multiple criteria across...
2:58 Browse Intakes How to use Browse Intake to find, sort, and review all your firms current and past Intakes.
4:15 Bulk Import You can now bulk import Intakes, Cases, or Contacts from a CSV file into your Neos system quickly...
2:03 Bulk Invoicing Your accounting team can now generate multiple invoices across multiple cases all at once.
5:53 Calendar & Case Calendar Tab A tour of the new and improved Neos Staff Calendar and Case Calendar to ensure you always know...
4:24 Checklist Summary How to use Checklist Summary to sort, filter, and view checklist items across Staff, Cases, Status,...
3:14 Client Master Rates Have you negotiated specific rates with certain clients? You can now set Client Master Rates in...
3:40 Communications Center In this video, we review the Neos Communications Center integrated with Ring Central...
2:30 Create Button The new Create Button replaces the old Add button, allowing you to easily create Cases, Contacts,...
10:23 Dashboards Dashboards are a living visual representation of your data, and this video explores how to view,...
3:35 Date Ranges & Email Address in Advanced Search One of Neos’ most powerful features, Advanced Search, just got even better...
6:32 Entering a New Intake The new Needles Neos Intake functionality allows for fast efficient data entry into fully...
9:16 Reports A tour of the Reports list, how to run and modify existing reports, export options, and using...
3:47 Support Portal A tour of the Neos Support Portal, including Knowledge base, Tutorials, Webinars, and submitting...
2:45 Time & Values Manager Your accounting team can now access all Time & Value entries across all cases from the Neos...