2:43 Activity Feed A quick runthrough of the Activity Feed, explaining what it is and how it functions.
6:40 Approval Process for Invoiceable Entries You can now setup a submission and approval process for your Time & Value items, before they...
2:07 Auto-populating Subjects in Email & Calendar When sending an email or creating a calendar entry, the Case Name and Case Number are now...
2:53 Bates Stamping As part of the Premium Documents package, you can now easily add custom Bates Stamps to any PDF...
5:53 Calendar & Case Calendar Tab A tour of the new and improved Neos Staff Calendar and Case Calendar to ensure you always know...
4:08 Case Budgets Neos can help you track all your costs on a particular case to make sure you stay within a budget...
2:37 Case Dates in Calendar How to track your assigned Cases’ critical dates right in your staff Calendar.
1:47 Case Notes – Subjects You can now add Subjects to General Notes in Neos, allowing easy sorting & searching to find...
2:33 Case Specific Document Tagging You can now add Documents Tags that are unique to a specific case. In this video, we’ll...
8:57 Case Tab A tour of the Case Tab and explanation of how to properly enter Case Information including Class,...
2:44 Checklist Completed Date With the latest release, Neos has added a new field to track the Completion Dates of Checklist...
1:52 Checklist Reminders Neos can now remind you about upcoming Checklist items in advance of their due date.
10:01 Checklist Tab A tour of the Checklist Tab and explanation of how this critical Neos function help you stay on top...
8:23 Companion Cases Tab A tour of the Companion Cases Tab and explanation of how to create Companion Groups for multiple...
2:02 DocuFiler Neos’ DocuFiler feature allows you to move large numbers of files from your scanner or other...
3:33 Document Fields Document Fields in Neos help you view additional important data associated with specific types of...
2:03 Document Record Linking In this video, we review how you can now link Medical Record Documents directly in the Record...
2:39 Document Tagging Tags can now be created in the Tags Mini Directory and assigned to individual Documents. Tagging...
12:13 Documents Tab – Part 1 Adding Documents to a Case, Generating Documents, Opening Documents, Word Online & Desktop, and...
12:04 Documents Tab – Part 2 Emailing Documents, Docusign, Prepping Demand/Discovery, & Tagging Email Attachments to a Case.
9:57 Dynamic Forms Dynamic Forms allows users to add entire pages of data or even custom tabs on the fly; bringing in...
2:52 Emailing from Neos You can send emails directly from Neos, making finding email addresses and attaching case files a...
8:21 Insurance Tab A tour of the Insurance Tab, covering entering new Insurance providers & Adjusters, as well as...
4:10 Interest Calculator The new Interest Calculator function allows you to easily calculate interest from Case Expenses on...
3:25 Multi-Case Document Generation Neos now offers the ability to create documents for more than one case all at the same time...
6:29 Negotiation Tab A tour of the Negotiation Tab, covering how to track on-going negotiations with Adjusters, Counsel,...
1:21 NeosAI Chat NeosAI Chat allows you to select a document in your case, and then ask NeosAI questions about this...
5:12 NeosAI Document Extraction With the NeosAI Document Extraction feature, Neos can now pull key data our of documents and put it...
5:14 NeosAI Document Generation With the NeosAI Document Generation feature, Neos can now create complicated documents for you with...
3:48 NeosAI Document Summary With the NeosAI Document Summary feature, Neos can scan documents for you and provide quick AI...
2:48 New Navigation Tabs for Documents & Notes You can now easily switch views between different Document and Note types by using the new...
6:16 Notes Tab A tour of the Notes Tab, including entering a new Note, customizing text, posting picture/docs,...
8:47 Party Tab A tour of the Party Tab and explanation of how to properly create new Parties for a case.
2:36 PDF Redaction & Flattening The Neos PDF Editor (part of the Premium Documents Package) now has to ability to Redact and...
5:14 Record Requests Tab How to track all the provider records you have requested, and get a quick view of what it still...
3:49 Related Documents Neos now helps you track Related Documents in your cases, allowing you to keep a handle on...
4:25 Settlement Calculator The Neos Settlement Calculator helps to make sure you have all the information you need during a...
2:16 Settlement Tab for Value The new Settlement Tab on the Value screen helps you see all the financial aspects of a case at a...
2:24 Sync Time & Value Neos can link Time and Value entries together, so that changes in one automatically updates the...
6:24 Time Tab How to track time in Neos using the Time Tab, as well as how to enter time manually and start...
13:21 Value Tab – Adding Value to a Case How to create and manage a variety of Value items on the Value Tab.
2:51 Variable Interest Rate Calculator You can now calculate interest over time using variable interest rates!
4:52 Witness – Expert – Depo Tab A tour of the Wit/Exp/Depo tab, including how to enter new witnesses, providers as expert, and...